FOR TODAY: January 19 2009
Outside My Window...is gorgeous sunshine...cool and crisp...a beautiful day. I will be going outside to enjoy it soon.
I am thinking...about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inauguration tomorrow.
I am thankful for...the large step forward America has taken in electing our first black president.
From the kitchen...is a gleaming clean countertop and floors waiting to be swept. Cam is at Costco and bringing home a chicken for dinner and some salad greens to go with it.
I am wearing...sweats, t-shirt and slippers.
I am creating...clean laundry...and also getting things together to work on baby books. I'm a bit behind but committed to having baby books for all my kids.
I am going...to the playground with the kids later today...and to a scrapbook workshop next Sat. where I will work on the baby books.
I am reading...The Lemon Tree for my book club. It's very good. It's about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I didn't know much of the history so it's been good to learn it. I highly recommend the book and can't wait to discuss it at book club next week.
I am hoping...for a bright future for America.
I am hearing...Baby George starting to fuss...might have to take a keyboard break, nurse the babe and then resume again...okay small break time now.
Around the house...are little boys playing, one big boy sick and laying on the couch. Tuba isn't feeling well...he's pasty white and laying down with blankies and his candle.
One of my favorite things...is a day when we are all home together without anywhere we have to go.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: watching the inauguration, getting things ready for scrapbooking day....I need to order photos.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is at my Mom's house. Tuba's reflection in the glass doors is so precious. He loves the fire!
To participate in The Simple Woman's Daybook...go here
Sorry I kept forgetting to update. Thank you for your prayers for little Thomas. He is home from the hospital and is recovering well....Glory to God.