I love a good makeover with before and after photos. So here's my living room makeover story. I ordered new furniture 3 months ago and it arrived today! YEAH! We have been without any furniture in the living room because we gave our sofa's to my cousin when I ordered the new. Well, if you have ever seen "
spring vomit" as I called those couches you could understand why I was thrilled to have someone take them even if it meant no furniture for 3 months. We did move a small love seat from the family room into the living room. It was really cozy reading the paper each morning with hubby and 3 boys. Lots of ,"ouch, stop poking me, scoot over, stop it!".
This morning after moving the love seat out and getting ready to clean up the Christmas toy bomb.
Boys snuggling after hard work of taking all the new toys and putting them away.
Yeah, new sofa! (Strange spots are on picture from camera and not on the new furniture!)
New chair and ottoman too!!! Love them sooooo much.
Oh, poor hubby is home sick from work....the nasty bug caught up with him! He is snuggled down with the boys watching Never Ending Story.
Poor Tuba is still so sick. He's snoozin' through the movie.