Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Advent Giving

It's that time of year....Christmas is coming. Last year I wrote about how this time of year gets me really stressed out. I also wrote that with each passing year I enjoy the holidays more and more. My kids make it so much fun. I plan things well and start early so I don't get too stressed. I keep repeating to myself things like... "keep Christmas Christ centered and let the other things go...nobody needs all that crap (meaning endless amounts of plastic junk made in China)...spend time not money...it's the experience not the presentation...don't lose what's important...etc., etc.".

I want the kids to learn about giving to those less fortunate. We find ways to do this together as a family...the food bank, giving tree, and sponsorship program. Most of all I want my kids to know that Christmas is the birth of Christ. The gifts we receive are an added bonus to the holiday...not the main event. I will be getting my Nativity set out this week and putting it on our mantel. I enjoy having it front and center...to keep me feeling peaceful and remind me what's important. When I start to feel the holiday pressure (I put it on myself) I go sit, drink tea and look at the Nativity.

Tonight after I wrote this post I was getting the boys ready for bed and Mr. P said to me, "Mom, do you know Twinkle, Twinkle, Special Star?". I said I didn't know it so he sang it for me. OH MAN, it moved me to tears. I quickly got out my video recorder and had him sing it again. This is exactly what I want to focus on at Christmas. Don't forget to press the pause button on the song list so you can hear Mr. P singing and not the other music.


  1. That was awesome!

    Our nativity is the only thing up right now... the kids love setting it up every year.

  2. Oh, Sweetheart! What a lovely song by such a GOOD singer, with motions and all. And what a great brain to remember all of it. Was this a song from last Christmas? Thsnk you for sharing.



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