Double Spiderman in our house this year....and a little Bumblebee.

Getting everyone to hold still...not so easy:)
We started the day with Mr. P's soccer game. Cam gathered his strength and came with us to the game. Because of his work schedule this quarter he could only make 3 of the games...so he really wanted to be there. After the game we came home for naps/quiet time. Cam and I got to lay in the livingroom and snuggle and read. Wow, it was so nice...and doesn't happen very often. After naps I took Mr. P and Busy Guy to Target to pick out a movie. We usually go to the kids' godparents' house for Halloween but since everyone has been sick it was cancelled. While at Target I got the brilliant idea to bring home Subway for dinner. Yeah! We had a nice yummy dinner and then got the kids in their costumes. I took Mr. P, Busy Guy and Sis to the local mall for trick-or-treating. Cam was too tired and still not feeling so great so he stayed home with the other boys. Since it was pouring down rain the mall was super crowded. We spent about an hour going around the mall getting candy. It was fun to see so many costumes. The bad part was all the candy was the same!!! The kids didn't mind but I do;) I want my annual butterfinger, snickers, almond joy fix! All we have is tootsie roll (that's the kind of lame candy that never tempts me...you know...the one that is the last resort when you need a sugar fix and everything else is gone...even the chocolate chips), dum-dums, gum balls....nothing to make me happy!!! When we got home we put on the movie...Ice Age 3. What a hoot. We really liked it. We snuggled up, ate popcorn, and candy...okay, even I ate some of the less than standard candy. The kids went to be happy. What a fun Halloween.