Sunday, January 6, 2008

Love at church

I love our faith. We converted to Orthodox Christianity 11 years ago. I love our church. When I walk into our parish I often think to myself how excited I am to be there surrounded by so many loving people. The beautiful Nave with icons, candles and incense immediately calms my soul. Today I was especially happy and thankful at the church. My hubby was working so the boys and I were on our own. Sometimes this is a daunting task (I know...what will it be like with 2 more in tow?). The Orthodox church traditionally does not have pews in the nave. We have a few pews at the back and on the sides but the center of the nave is open. We stand for the services. Of course, you can sit when you are tired too. The great thing about the open floor plan is that my kiddos stand with us, sit in front of us on the floor or wander around and sit or stand with others. Baby Guy is in the SUPER busy phase and often much of the service I spend walking in and out of the service with him. Our narthex has a large window so you can still hear and see the service and take little noisy ones out when needed. Today was such a blessing. Baby Guy-Busy Guy spent the service (today was a baptism and liturgy) with different people holding him and entertaining him with watches, books, trinkets, etc. Our boys have wonderful Godparents (with 4 daughters) who all love to have the kids sit with them. I had a wonderful time with Mr P, and Tuba got to serve on the altar today. It still gets me all teary to watch him carrying the candle. It was a great day. Thank you to all the wonderful people in our church!

A Few of My Favorite Things

dark chocolate covered almonds
painted toenails
flip flops


  1. I have to tell you....someone leaned over to me during liturgy today after watching Mr. Busy run around and asked, "Is he two?" Too funny!

  2. I feel your pain. 2 is quite an age...


  3. Yes, I do believe my hubby did that with his veggies...he still does it and has taught the boys well! They play that they are huge dinosaurs and they eat the little trees too.



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