Saturday, March 14, 2009

Something From Everyone

I'm busy making Super Hero Capes for the kids and getting ready for Busy Guy's 3rd Birthday. It's a Batman and "Robber" Birthday Extravaganza!!!

Cam: Busy finishing this quarter of school. It's been a LONG quarter to say the least...too many sick people in our family:( Next quarter will be better...class only one day a week.

Here's our SURPRISE...7 in. of new snow in least the kids were happy.

Mr. P: As we were paying for our items at the party store Mr. P says, "Mom, today I threw up, it went into my mouth and then I swallowed it again." Mmmmm, nummy, the cashier actually gagged!

Cam got his sparring gear from Taekwondo out of the attic and the boys had a great time playing in it...the missing tooth looks so appropriate.
Busy Guy: Told me today he has lots of laundry to fold and I need to show him how. Too sweet...I'll get right on that!
The babies in the tub together this morning. Having a splash! Baby George weighs more than his big sister...but she can steal all the good toys.
Sis: Her language is really taking off. She calls the kitty and says Tuba's name really well. Most of the day she is babbling to baby talk...well, she knows what she is saying. She is having a ball playing outside too. She stands at the door and cries if the boys are outside without her. Mr. P says she stands on the deck and hollers at them...good girl;)

Morning cartoons in Mom and Dad's bed.
Tuba: Has strep throat AGAIN! This makes 2 times for him plus my 2 times! What is up with that? His seizures are the same...maybe slightly better. We've increased a med so it will take time to see an effect.
Baby Guy: Won't let me feed him ANY food. He will eat whatever I put on his tray all by himself...makes for about 4 outfit changes a day plus a major scrub down of the chair, floor, and baby himself:)

1 comment:

  1. Becky, this has been a bad, bad year for sickness. Lots of strep and this wonderful fever virus that lasts 5-7 days!!! My oldest has caught it TWICE! I wonder what's going on?
    Those pictures are too cute though :)



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