Monday, March 10, 2008

I Knew It!!!

I'm not crazy and I am tired for more reasons than being old! My Dr.'s office called this morning and I AM anemic! I knew it....if you've ever been anemic you know what it feels like. When the nurse poked my finger at the office she read the results and said I was fine? I have no idea if they run a more sophisticated test or if she read it wrong but the Dr. had her call me and to let me know it was low and he called in iron pills to the pharmacy. I can't wait to start feeling a little bit better and have more energy.


  1. Yes, there are more sophisticated/complete iron ferritin tests and isn't nice to know you'll be feeling better soon! As for all you get done while anemic...well, I can't imagine how much MORE you could possibly achieve when you iron goes up! You will be a little whirlwind!

  2. Oh good. Well, not good that you're anemic of course but I'm glad they caught it. You definetly need all the energy you can get! I'm feeling okay, have a head cold and am having trouble sleeping. Getting ready to be done and meet this babe! I have an ultrasound today, I'll be updating on my blog:)

  3. It really is amazing what a small deficiency can do to our bodies. I know. I'm so glad they've got you all squared away now and hope you'll be feeling great soon!

    God Bless,

  4. Glad they caught it! See... you're not old!



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