Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Real Amazing Race

If you've ever seen the television show the Amazing Race you'll know what I mean. Couples go on across the globe on a scavenger hunt type race. This morning I had my own Amazing Race. My hat is off to all the Moms and Dads out there who have big families and busy schedules!!! I had to take Tuba to Children's Hospital for his pre-op appointments. Busy Guy and Mr. P had pre-school and Lydia was going to Grandma's house. Baby George was coming with Tuba and I. Cam is at school all day on Thursdays....of course:) The race began at 6:45 when I dragged myself out of bed. Breakfast for the gang...toast and eggs. Took everyone back upstairs to get dressed...thankfully laid out all the outfits last night. Nursed Baby and then jumped in the shower myself. Brushed 4 sets of teeth including my own. Washed faces and fixed hair...bed head you know. Put on makeup, fixed my hair, got dressed. Gathered items for two diaper bags, packed snacks, extra clothes and pull-up for Busy Guy. Went downstairs to start shoes, coats, backpacks and send kids to car one at a time. Buckle everyone and leave at 8:50. Drop the boys at pre-school...taking all 5 kids in with me. Back in car and to Grandma's house to drop off Lydia. Back in car and off to the hospital.....ahhhhh, silence in the car. The day was long but it was nice to only have two kids in tow. Arrived back home at 4:00. Time to re-group, eat dinner and go to church tonight. Thanks to my MIL for having the kids today!


  1. WHEW!!!!!
    Days like that are marathon days.
    Good job momma for keeping it all together!

  2. Your MIL was very tired after having only 3 kiddos to lift, feed, entertain. Thank goodnoess for Grampa MIL! It makes me appreciate, even more, the tremendous job you and Cam are doing.

    Love, love, love,



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