Sunday, May 3, 2009


I used to make pancakes almost every morning for breakfast. This year has been a little busy so I've not made them as much. We do have them on Saturday mornings. The kids count down the days...till pancake day. They all want to be my helper too.

On this morning Mr. P did the wet ingredients and Busy Guy did the dry. Everyone got to stir and everyone got to EAT!

Mr. P can now crack an egg shells in the bowl.

Everyone gets a chance to stir.

You can see a bit of sibling rivalry in play here...." turn".

Mmmmm good. Everyone eats them with different toppings....butter/syrup, butter/syrup/peanut butter, NO butter/syrup.
Sis is learning to use the fork really well.
Baby George eats more pancake than Sis or Busy Guy!!!


  1. When I was growing up, my Dad (your kid's great-grampa) was the breakfast maker. School mornings, he would make me pancakes in the shape of cats, rabbits, etc. And sometimes he would make pink or green ones! It is a childhood memory that makes me smile.

  2. mmm, we love pancakes here, too..sis is so cute using her fork! both your little ones are getting so big..bittersweet, hey?



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