Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Potty Dancing

Yeah! Potty Dance, Potty Dance...time again to sing our Potty Dance song. Yep! Baby George is doing an amazing job of going on the potty!! Yipeeee! I said a special thanksgiving prayer to God that my last baby is so easy to potty train! He's only 2.5 and he has got it down. ALL pee-pee is done. No accidents. Still workin' on a perfect record for the other...but it's only been 3 days. Doing very well. We of course went out and got him some Toy Story 3 undies! He's in heaven. He is wearing them with his TS shirt and socks....and pajamas too.
We are so close to no more diapers!! Wow! If I add all the years of diaper duty's a lot. Tuba potty trained at about 5 and then Mr. P was born a couple years later. I think Mr. P was potty trained for about 6 mos. before Busy Guy came home and then it's been solid diaper duty since. We even had three in diapers for about 6 mos. Whoa! All in all that's about 11 years. So happy to be done...soon. And..the money we will save! Actually I always think of diaper money going straight over to pre-school funds. Anyway, Yeah and Yipee!


  1. Yay for Baby George! We are starting this wonderful process with our Baby A...hope it goes as easy for him!

  2. whoohoo!
    3 in diapers must have been terrible.
    one time when sebastian & bellamy were about 2, the rubatino guy drove the little satellite truck up the driveway to get our trash, and sebastian opened up a window and yelled "sorry about all the diapers!"

    he must have heard me say something about the poor garbage man and all our diapers.



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