Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 3...More Beach

The 3rd day wasn't rainy...not windy...not sunny but fine for playing on the beach.
Baby George had a good nap on the beach:)

Cam set the backpack down and Sis was kissing her brother and then yelling his name and poking him in the head until his head was covered in sand.

Sis started to really warm up to the sand and loved playing in it.

Busy Guy loves the beach this year...still not loving the ocean so much...fine with his Mama!

Tuba however LOVES the ocean sooooo much. Here he is when we are making him come in for dinner.

Headed into the house...dinner time. Well, sort of dinner...I didn't cook the entire time. Just snack food and appetizers. YUM:)
The boys had such a great time snuggling in the bunks together.

1 comment:

  1. what I love about your blog is the fact that the photos point out, again and again, that this is a family that loves. Brothers (and sister) love brothers (and sister). Parents love children (and each other). After a hard day, it is such a pleasure for me to come home and see, with my own eyes, the wonder of a truly loving family.



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