Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Here is my sweet girl while still in Ethiopia at the orphanage. We are so blessed that she received such great and loving care while we waited to bring her home. This morning I am feeling good. Last night I was in terrible pain. I have a bladder infection....OUCH! By the time I went to the walk-in clinic, saw the Dr., went to the pharmacy and got home to take my meds I was feeling really bad. But, this morning I'm pain free. Thank God for antibiotics and that I have access to them. As I laid in bed last night I thought of the millions of women around the world who suffer in pain because they do not have access to a doctor or to life saving antibiotics. Every human should have access to health care. I pray for those suffering around the world. I am thankful today and even more aware of how lucky I am.

1 comment:

  1. You couldn't have said it better. I often think of women in the past and in the present who did not have the sheer luck of being born now and here.



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