Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Monday

First off let me say thank you for all the kind comment on my last post. Thank you for your prayers. I can feel them and they are helping.

Saturday morning I awoke feeling better. Lighter. Plus, I had a salon appointment for a hair cut. Bonus. After my hair appointment I got a pedicure. Whoa. I was feeling much better. Then, Sunday happened. Church with the family is always a mood booster. Then after church I took Mr. P along with two of his buddies to see Madagascar 3. I sat eating popcorn and candy and laughing hysterically with the boys. It was a very funny movie! A very good weekend and my mood had improved severly. I was relaxed.

Then MONDAY happened. Why? Why? Why Monday, do you have to be like that? What's up with you? I'm divorcing Monday. Yep. Well, actually I think it will be more like a separation. You see this is the last Monday of the school year (praise the heavens).

I woke up with a cold. Stuffy nose, sore throat. Blah. I had a crabby argumentative 8 year the power of 10. Ugh. I decided to walk the kids to school so I could get some exercise. We headed off late because my adorable 6 year old couldn't find his shoes (the ones that are supposed to be in the shoe closet). He eventually had to wear black dress shoes (with white athletic socks, shorts and t-shirt). Yes. This goes against all fashion rules I have set for my children but the alternative was snow boots.

We had to walk fast and numerous times I had to yell direct the boys to NOT walk in front of the stroller....or I would bump them. Then we got to school and the crabby 8 year old walked off without kissing me goodbye. If I didn't have the dog with me I would have chased him down the hall and given him the BIGGEST lip lock of his life. That will teach you to not kiss you mom goodbye.

As I was standing enjoying the time to catch my breath I heard my phone ring. It was my MIL. I answered and had a moment of confusion wondering why she wanted to know when I'd be home. Suddenly I remembered! Oh! CRUD (not the word I really used)! The thought raced into my head I HAVE A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT!! Arghhhhhhhhh! I quickly looked at my watch, 9:15. Appointment time, 9:30. My MIL was waiting at my house to watch the little ones.

As I raced home as top speed I realized I had not even had a shower yet. AND...this was THE appointment. You know...the yearly! The pap! The one where you shower for an extra 10 minutes, shave, deodrant, lotion, etc. Ugh!

I whipped into my driveway with the stroller wheels on fire. It was now 9:30. I tried to call my doctor's the recording machine...accidently didn't hang up my phone and left a message saying how annoyed I was that nobody was answering the phone. Awesome!

I ripped my clothes off, jumped in shower, shaved my legs, washed...good enough, and hopped out. Dried, put my sweaty clothes back on and ran to the car. Time 9:35. And Cam...No, this does not prove that I can get ready in 5 minutes all the time.

I called on my way (yes, broke the law) and told them I was on my way. Arrived in office at 9:42. Whew! I was taken right back. Hmmm....maybe there is something to being late. NO waiting. Had my appointment. No blood work since I had eaten. But to top off the whole morning...I got a shot! Owie!

By the time I left I was ready for dinner and pj's. There was a lull in the middle of the day until I sat around too long and suddently realized it was time to LEAVE for swimming lessons. Here we go again.

So, you see Monday and I are breaking up. It's least until September.

1 comment:

  1. You have soooo much to remember and of course you forget to remember yourself..thank goodness for the super-Saturday hair, toe, thing. BUT, I have to say your blog posting made me laugh. Out loud. Love you forever.



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