Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dirty Girl

My fun sweet girly girl loves dirt! After dinner she shouts "OUTSIDE" and then after the slider is opened she jets out to play some more in the yard. Of all our kids she bar far loves to play outside the most. She swims in the pool, climbs the slide up to the playhouse, drags toys around, swings, plays in the sandbox...and yes, grabs handfuls of dirt and throws them around.

I came out to check on her and was cracked up by how dirty she was! There was about a cup of dirt in her hair...and how about that dirt mustache! In order to get her clean I had to wash/rinse her hair 4 times and then let all the water out of the tub and get rid of the pieces of rock, bark and dirt floating in the tub.
"Hi I in trouble???
Okay if I'm not in trouble...then I'm having SO MUCH FUN!!!"

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