Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Busy Becky

Today was CRAZY busy! Busy Bee Day!!

Cam is out the door before I'm up.

My alarm rings at 6:00. By 6:15 I was up. I firmly believe that nobody should have to be awake before it's light outside. Just saying...

Make tea, get Tuba ready for school.

6:50 Tuba on bus.

Other kids trickle in. Make breakfast, make lunches, get kids ready, get myself ready. It was a hair and makeup day....fancy that.

8:40 leave for school.

8:45 drop big boys off for Boys Only Reading at school. Fabulous program!

9:00 drop off George for preschool. Ooops we forgot a hat for Hat Day. Good thing we live 1/2 mile away. Back in van quickly.

9:02 run home.

9:05 drop off George again at preschool. 

9:10 Back to elementary school with Sis. It's also my volunteer day so I go in too. 

11:55 done volunteering. Grab Sis and run home to grab a snack and my shopping list.

12:40 pick up George and his friend Maddy. Run Maddy to daycare. 

1:00 Costco. Run with cart and two kids eating a hot dog. I had a huge list and only 45 min. to get it done. I think it doubled as shopping and my cardio.

1:30 pay and head out to load van. 

1:45 head home. 

2:05 Tuba gets off bus. Kids and I unload and put away groceries. It takes forever to put away Costco day! Eeeek!

3:00 fold some laundry clean up breakfast mess (yes, I said breakfast). Snack time. 

3:35 pick up boys. Head to gymnastics for Sis's lesson.

4:00. Homework while watching Sis tumble. 

5:15 Home. Put on my pjs, put my bangs in a clippy and wash my face (heavenly), get dinner ready (I always buy a rotisserie chicken on Costco shopping days AND a bag of broccoli slaw. I added some left over brown rice and done. Cam is working a LONG day so he's still not home. Bah!

6:00 Clean-up dinner, monitor piano practice, build a log home with George and Sis.

7:00 Bedtime snack for kids (dark chocolate....mmmmm).

7:05 Writing on my blog while I sit and listen to kids being wild. Why are kids so wild between dinner and bedtime? Why?????? NOT my favorite part of day.

7:09 Cam home!!!! Now THAT is my favorite part of the day. :)

7:20 Monitor showers, teeth brushing, toy clean-up. Book time.

7:45 Prayers and......BEDTIME!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeee!! (It hasn't happened yet but I'm really looking forward to it.

So.....how does this day make you feel?

Yes I'm tired. Yes I feel a bit frazzled by the number of times I got into and out of my van. I'm in need of some quiet time.

But, all day long I kept thinking how lucky I am. So very blessed. Maybe I was just in a good mood but I really took notice today of my many blessings. So many.

I got to spend the day with my kids. The whole day. I feel lucky to do this because it's what I want to do.

I felt good. Everyone is healthy.

I am able to volunteer in my kids' classrooms....and I love it!

I have a nice new van to drive me around.

I ate healthy delicious food and it was plentiful.

I could afford my groceries.

My kids are lucky to attend lessons like TKD and gymnastics. We can afford to pay for them.

My kids are old enough to help carry groceries, set the table, and pick things up. Very nice!

My husband worked a long day but he has a good job...one that he enjoys too.

It was a long day, a busy day but a good day. Thank you God for my abundance. I'm thankful.


  1. Yes, Becky, and the biggest blessing in your life is that you are NOTICING it. Too many times we let our day pass and forget to say, at least internally, "thank you for my life." Those of us who know you are certain of your calling as an involved and caring parent...someone who participates in the flurry of their world. Thank you.

  2. I'm exhausted just reading this.

    Cam, pour this poor girl a drink!

  3. I guess I stopped halfway.

    Good for you for recognizing all your blessings in the midst of your busy life.

  4. I read something recently that said that most Americans take for granted the things that people in other countries pray for everyday. That has made me say "thank you" a lot more often and fervently. We are all so blessed. PS- I am exhausted just reading your post!



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