Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Hubby!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubby! We love you!'s the big 39!

1st Birthday

You've always been a winner!

I'm so glad we met...and married...and live happily ever after!

Thanks to your wonderful mom for raising you (and for being a great MIL).

Happy Birthday from your babies too. Don't you love the "family haircut"?


  1. Happy Birthday to your *other* special guy. Hope he had a great day!


  2. I am so happy that my son has such a great wife and such terrific kids. And another terrific kid to come. I think of how you spend your time together and I am almost sorry for all the other families in the world. All that love and laughter. And the photos of the early birthdays are just priceless. I remember that little red outfit!



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