Tuba spent the time in hysterical laughter watching me and trying to copy me. Mr. P spent the whole time asking me questions in rapid fire and trying to lift my weights. Busy Guy and Sis were actually playing...which is why they were out with me. They did keep running or riding into my path. Baby George was perfect...well perfectly stuck in one spot! The kids handed him toys...that part was helpful.
I did my routine thinking...WOW, this is KILLING, I'm REALLY in bad shape. I was pooped and wondering how sore I'd be the next day.
HOLY MACKEREL...I underestimated...I was more sore than I've ever been! We live in a tri-level house and I have to go up and down stairs all day long. UGH..big problem when you can't even walk! It took 3 days to feel normal again.
I'll head back out to do more lunges...maybe half the amount this time...and then work my way up. Also, I discovered that on my cable package is a workout channel. I'm going to do the yoga today. Maybe that will help me limber up a bit?
Happily playing...Sis was moving too fast. All her photos were blurred:)
Post workout snack...for them...at least it kept them out of the way while I stretched.