Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ohhhh Man!

So yesterday I took Busy Guy and Mr. P for dental appointments. Busy Guy has an abscess at the top of his front tooth. Which tooth...well...of course it's the one that he broke a year ago AND the one that he just banged again recently!!! We are going today to the specialist to have it looked at but I've already been warned by our family dentist...the tooth will probably be pulled! Whaaaaa! I know it's a baby tooth but it will be about 4 more years before he gets the adult tooth in....whaaaa. No, I don't think it looks cute...no, I don't think it makes a good story...at least not right now I don't. Give me about 5 years. I'm sure the pediatric dentist will remember me...I'm the nutty Mama who cried in his office, went home to think and then came back to have the procedure done (they took out half the tooth a year ago)....whaaaa! I'll update later. I'm the only one...including Busy Guy who is having any trauma over this...so lots of sympathy in the comments is a good thing:)


  1. Lot's of sympathy here! (But he will look cute... he can't help but look cute... they could pull all his teeth and he would look cute!)

  2. Bless Your Heart!
    I'm with you, Waaaaa. I also don't think kids look all that wonderful with missing teeth. My granddaughter Ilana has 6 teeth, all in front, Gone! I liked it much better when she had ALL her teeth.Hope no one hates me for that!
    I'm praying for you!
    Miss Lila in Atlanta

  3. totally echo that comment!
    he is just too cute.

  4. Poor little Busy Guy ...and you too! Having spent a bit of time without a front tooth when I was young I can tell you it’s not that bad. If Busy Guy puts his hand in front of his face when he laughs then you’ll know it bothers him …however, if he doesn’t, then it doesn’t bother him. At least it’s not his permanent tooth …and yes, I can say that because it was my permanent tooth that I lost when I was 6!

  5. I second Debbie's comment. If it bothers him you'll know it. Of course, nobody likes their sweetie-pie to have an owie. Maybe with it gone the tooth brushing and cold/hot sensitivity won't be there. A small silver lining, I know.

  6. I completely understand. My son (just turned 3 & from Wanna too) also had a broken front tooth and lots of other issues going on in his mouth (underdeveloped teeth led to most of them). It took a lot of searching (and 3 tries...he was not a fan of dentists) to find one that was willing to put porcelin crowns on the front teeth and not the silver caps and who was able to do the work w/oral anesthesia and not general. Looks great now and he enjoys showing his new teeth off.



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