Thursday, December 16, 2010


It's the time of year....when I get really stress out...and lose myself in the wrong things. But, this year I'm enjoying the Christmas season SO much. I've turned the corner. I am truly loving the season. I of course have had moments of stress and panic and sheer exhaustion. I keep our Nativity set front and center on our mantel and it helps keep me front and center too. I need that reminder that this season is about the birth of Jesus. All the other "stuff" isn't necessary to celebrate our Lord's birth. Yes, I do love the extra stuff too. It's a balancing act of sorts. I've learned...or am learning to pick the things that matter the most to me and to our family.

This year we've been to two Christmas ones! Mr. P and Busy Guy's schools both had great performances. Tuba especially loves going and hearing the songs.

I've finished my Christmas cards and they are in the mail. I'm not sure I will do them again. It's so much work...and cost. I don't receive that many cards in the I'm not sure of the whole thing anymore. I don't send them out just to receive them but it is nice. I think maybe since I have the blog and we do Facebook that cards are overkill. What do you think?

I am taking the kids to see Santa for the annual photo this next week. This is something I do for me. I love the photos. I have one from each year since Tuba was born and I line them all up on a book shelf and look at them all season.

The kids are VERY excited for Christmas day...presents of course! I'm excited too. This is the first year that the kids are all old enough to really enjoy the anticipation. So fun!! Sis and Baby George are talking about presents all the time. Sis tells us she wants pretty pants and SHOES! LOL.

We are going to start a new tradition this year too. I'll write about it later. Something really fun and special.


  1. What a cute pic! We do Christmas cards but Jim is trying to convince me that e-cards are the way to go..I don' t know!

    Glad you are enjoying your Christmas!

  2. love the festive background and i say continue with the cards! i love facebook but i tend to post less cause it can't be saved or enjoyed in the future. blogs are great for that and so are cards!

  3. I love getting and sending christmas cards and enjoy getting yours every year, keep sending them I say keep the tradition alive:)

  4. Oh, I love getting the cards. So does my mother and so does Keith's Mom does, and Sara loved getting her card, also. I keep the photos in the bottom of my "decoration box" and we look at them year after year. I also love the Christmas Letters. Perhaps it's my "older generation" but I do hope you keep sending cards to some of us. Hugs. Loved your christmas-by-the-tree picture, too.



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