Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cam's Day

Here's the latest on Cam-a-ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong.
Well, you already know what he's doing on Monday! Other than that he has been working away at Grad school...3 out of 8 quarters done! Woot! He is working 2 days a week...12 hour shifts. And...he's been training for some triathlons this summer. The crazy man loves exercise! I know it...wacko;) He got a new bike and is in LOVE with it. He also took some swim lessons to fine tune his swimming.
He's also been working on our "to-do list" of items around the house. We want to have it in tip top shape when we sell next Spring.
That all...except he's an awesome daddy and huge help to me around the house!

1 comment:

  1. Let me also add that this is a good son and grandson! He has managed to FOCUS all that could-be-overwhelming energy and so it is an amazing (and wonderful)thing to see him in action. I love you Cam.



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