Monday, June 29, 2009

Growing Up

I love this photo. Mr. P was showing me his ribbon from t-ball. What a change this last year has been for my little boy. He has grown up so much and changed so much. The shy boy is disappearing before my eyes. He is chatting it up with everyone now. At the grocery store one day he starts chatting with a woman beside us in the aisle. He announces to her that "we have 5 kids in our family". LOL...what a hoot. He then proceeded to tell her all the names and ages of his siblings....and the cat too.

My boy is ready for kindergarten...and excited about it too. He is learning by leaps and bounds. It's amazing how fast his brain is clicking along...learning to read and doing math computations. His memory too...WOW!

For his birthday he is getting a new big kid training wheels. I'll post pics of that later. I can't believe he is ready for a bigger bike. It seems like yesterday we bought him his first bike. Really, it's been two years ago. This was back in the days of him yelling "Mama Do It!" and refusing to learn how to do something himself. I bribed him...I told him if he learned to wipe his hiney (I know...TMI...and he's going to someday kill me for telling the world) that I'd buy him a bike. I gave him instructions...the "how-to", a bag of wipes and told him "keep going until it's clean!". It worked like a dream....and he got a new bike:)

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