Saturday, May 31, 2008

Play Time

Mr. P has made a new friend. He goes outside everyday to look for his "little friend". He coos over how cute he is and pets him so gently. He lets the caterpillar crawl all over him (which makes me gag in silence).

Mr. P came home from pre-school this week with the coolest project. Busy Guy wanted it soooo bad that I had to make him one too. They gallop all around the house on their horses, Cac (short for Cactus) and yet to be named other horse.


  1. I think if we ever got together, your Mr. P and my Tommy would be best of friends!

  2. I wish our families could get together and meet. If you are ever out in our area let us know! And...someday we'll make it out to your part of the country. I've never been there and would love to see it.



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